It was only a dream of the Day
How it turned into real day!
Today the imagination became the hope
Innumerable bends are to be coped.
First day in IDEC with full of curiosity
Changed into searching necessities in second day
Festival of SAIJO made me, a bit, opened
Otherwhise, the first week might be gloomed!
Memory of by gone days ramains as sample
How mild the Japanese! Natured through the temple!
Now onward our journey seems to be started
We learners so soon! Began to be integrated.
May our destination flourish and flower!
Cosmopolitanism and diversities shower for ever
Peace & prosperity is the need of our globe
Let the temple of Hiroshima spark the voice of tge world!
Babul Khanal
Picture: GOGI BABA (Saint) at MAHASHIVA RATRI Festival
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